Monday, November 19, 2012

November 19, 2012

Hey it seem like its been forever since we caught up.  Well teacher cadets is amazing, im learning so much about myself as well as the different people around me.  And now we learned about different disablities and we are currently learneding about the physical development which include the four main principles of growth (zygote, embryo, fetus, and neonate) and the four stages of cognitive development.

    Chicken Soup for a Preteen Soul 2; Dont forget to remember me by Heather McPherson 12
This story was read by Lexie  It talked about how a girls dad got lung cancer and the heart broke she when through watching him get sick verying passing moment.  This was a very sad story and i couldnt imagine going through it myself.  But this would be a great story to read to students when learning about death and dying.

    Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul 2; Forever In My Heart by Lauren Ashley Weilbacker, 13
This story was read by Margaret, it was base about death and dying one of the barries we learned about.  It talked about how Lauren went through the 5 different stages with her brothers death.  This would be great for a psychology class.  One activity for this story would be to have a toy drive and deliver to sick people in hospitals and children in foster homes. 
    Lukas Quilt by Georgia Guback
This was a very fun book read by Simi, its about Lukas grandmother making a quilt with different colors and patterns.  At first Luka was upset because this was only one color but so later realize her grandmother was adding on more colors.  This story did very well in talking about colors and patterns.  Iwould use this book for an art lesson. 
    My classmates and i are currently learing about the physical development of human which include the four main principles of growth (zygote, embryo, fetus, and neonate) and the four stages of cognitive development.  To learn about these different developments the class was assigned to groups and in each group they had to come up with a power-point and a lesson to teach the class about the four main principles of growth.  Through each power-point I have learned alot about the different principles of growth.
    This article talks about what we have been learning about, the article talks about how research shows barriers do impact the class rooms.  And the different ways it can impact different students about learning.  It also shows how poverty can become a worry on kid's minds instead of the test they have coming up and preparing for it.
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela  This quote is really meaningful to me because it show how important it is to have a good education and to take advange what you have to learn.  So one day you can use it to make a difference.
    One day while i was a the mall with my friends i observed while in line wait to cash out, a lady dropped some money on the floor near her feet.  And before you know it a young little boy picked it up and told her she had dropped this.  I thought that it was the sweetest thing ever especially come from a child so young.
    Looking back at this week i realized that though every age group the four main principles of growth real applies as you grow.  From the sound you hear to the things you see, you have lerned them all as you are growing.  And now a senior i have seen how the came in to play.

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