Sunday, September 16, 2012

    Hey guys welcome back to another week of my blog. I hope yall enjoyed the first one I posted. Theres is so such to tell you guys about these pass two week and i cant wait till yall read it.  Well here it is and i hope yall enjoy it and yall feel like yall are being a cadet with me.

    As always we start off with read- aloud, so the first book was Kitten's first full moon by: Kevin Henker.  This was about a kitten who saw the moon's reflection and thought it was a bowl of milk.  So lesson ideas for this book would be an art class about shapes because the moon can very from small to big.  It also start a discussion about never giving up because the kitten kelt trying and trying to reach the moon thinking that it was a bowl of milk.  This book can also teach student how to give directions.  Aonther book we read it week was I knew you could by: Craig Dorfman.  This was about a little train that was finding him self in the world so he had to stay on the right track and never giving up.  An activte with this story could be a writting assignment on "what your scared of" be the little train was always scare that he would fall off the tracks.  Another idea would be a lessons on different transpertations.  The third book we read this week was Mr. Tall and Mr. Small by: Barbara Brenner.  Activies with this book would be learning about opposites and working together with diferences.  You aslo can use this book in a english class with rhyming.  Two more books we read this week was Big Black bear by: Wong Herbert Yee and The kissing handy by: Audrey Penn.  Some ideas for these books would be a class for learning manners.  An activite the students could do is create a sentence with sign language.  And for the book the kissing hand there could be a discussion about overcoming fears when your away from home. 

    This week we learned about self- esteem and the different types of self- esteem.  We learned that self-conpect can move in a horizonal direction.  We can add or take away from it.  We also learned that theres a difference betwwen earned self- esteem and global self- esteem.  Earned self-esteem is when you have to work for it and accomplish it as an indiviual but when its a global self-esteem everyone get credit for being apart of the group.  This week we also wrote an essay on our own accomplish we done from present to past.

    A current event that is happening as the upcoming back-to- school year comes is "Why Grit is More Important Than Good Grades"  In the article it discusses that building a childs character may be more important then their I.Q and SAT scores.  A reacher say that "a temporary failure can be very scary, to students and parents alike.  But experiencing failure and adversity, is a critical part of building character."  If you would like to read more here a link you can click on:

    “In learning you will teach, and in teaching you will learn.”- Phil Collins i choose this quote  because when i read it, i agree with it alot.  Because everything you are learning something soon you will teach it to someone else.  And while teaching it you can learning something more that can benefit you and others over oneself. 

    In the pass two weeks i have observated a lot about respect.  I say this because you have to give respect before you can receive it.  In dazzlers respect comes a  long way because their is your coach you have to respect as will as your teammates.  In a younger crowd of people you have to teach them the meaning of respect because no one was born knowing what it mean but instead they were always taught what it means. 

    In the weeks pasted i've learned a lot about myself when it comes to earned self- esteem.  Because as i took a look at my past i realize how many accomplish i made from not giving up and trying my hardest.  I also learned that it takes more than being apart of something to get credit that means something to you.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hey guys welcome to my blog!!!  Im glad that yall are intersted in keep up with me and my year as a teacher cadet.  Hope yall stay tone and sees what goes on as a cadet 2013.

    For the first week as a cadet, the first thing we did were read-aloud.  The first two classes Mrs. Jackson started our read-alouds off.  The first book was Mrs. Spitzer's Garden by Edith Pattlou.  This book would be a good book to read to kids because it was about student with different needs and teachers need to understand them so the can help the student be the best they can.  It also teachs students that they are all diferent and special in their own way.  After reading this book some acftivies the teacher can do with he/she class is a writing assignment on how they are differnt from other students and what makes them unique.  For yonger students a teacher could have a show-and-tell and each student brings something from home that describes them best.  The second book was My Losing Season by Pat Conroy.   This was about a boy who played basketball in high school and later in his life he gave up basketball but shortly later he realized how much he missed this dream.  A teacher could use this book to start a dissgestion on what he/she students dream are and how they can achive its dream.  After the first two books, other own classmates started to do the read-alouds.  The first to go was Meline Washington.  She read Teahcer's Pets by D. Jakobs.  This book was about the first day of school.  This book could incourge students to join club/school event around school campus.  The last book we read this week was These Hands by Hope Lynne Price and read by Cortni Mckenzie.  Some activies with this book would be a art class and student and make a picture with different hand sizes.  There also can be a lesson with a science class on the 5 scenes and touching would be one of them.  These are the book was have done so far in teacher cadets.

    So far in  class we have been just getting to know and understand our classmates.  We had this assignment were we got a paper bag to design so we can explain and describe who we are to the class.  After this assignment we found classmates that had the same interest as us.  We also wrote an eassy on ourself and what we learned from each other after the bag presentations. 

    A current event that is happening in the state at the moment is ''Catholic Schools Feeling Squeeze From Charters.''  In this article it dissgests how chartered school are becoming more populated then catholic schools.  In the article it states that ''number of students in Catholic schools has fallen. Since 2000, 1,942 Catholic schools around the country have shut their doors, and enrollment has dropped by 621,583 students, to just over 2 million today, according to the National Catholic Educational Association.''  As these number continues to drop for catholic schools they are deciding to close doors to their public do to the increase numbers of chartered schools. Here is the link if you want to know more:

   '' If you have knowledge, let others light their candles at it.'' ~Margaret Fuller  I choose this quote because to me i see a lot of meaning behind it then just words.  To me this quote means if you have knowledge and you are all knowing then why not share it to others.  As a person or as a teacher the power to life is what you know and what you have to offer.  So as the person that knows the most, share it to other that knows least then you.  Then as a socitey yall can know more together and infulence others as a whole.

    Something i always see in school and outside of school is patient.  In school patient can come a long way.  For example getting from one class to another, you have to be patient with other students cause they are also trying to get to their class as well as yourself.  Patient is very important when it comes to young people because depending on the person/student each one learnings and understands at different pace.  so you have to be patient and work with them till they understant. 

    Over the two week so far i have learned a lot about myself.  I've learning that i have lots of other classmates that have the same interest as me, like becoming a doctor of some source.  I also learned that it takes a lot to be a great teacher and not just for yourself but for other to see you as a great teacher.